

Frequently Asked Questions

Whom may I contact if I have a question or a concern during the construction of the project?

A representative of the City of Cottage Grove can be reached on the hotline at 651-760-0203 or by sending an email to You may also view the project updates page with information on the project.

What are the working hours for the contractor, and will the contractor be working weekends?

The contractor is allowed to work from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Monday – Friday, and 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Saturdays. No work is allowed on Sundays or Holidays.

Will I always have access to my street and driveway?

For the majority of the project, residents will have access to their street and driveway. There may be short periods of time during the day when residents may not have access, however, they will be notified in advance of any temporary access restrictions. When concrete work is performed, either spot curb replacement or concrete driveway replacement, a 5-day minimum curing time with no disturbance will be required from the time of placement. This will restrict access; however, residents will be allowed to park directly in front of their homes from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Residents will be given advanced notice prior to beginning work.

How will my mail, school bus pick-up, garbage, and recycling services be affected during the construction?

These services will not be disrupted by this project. Residents will still receive their mail at their current location. School bus pick-up locations will continue in the same location throughout the duration of the project. The garbage and recycling will continue their current pick-up dates and locations throughout the duration of the project. The City Construction Manager will have ongoing communications regarding the construction schedule with these companies.

Will my driveway be disturbed by the street construction?

Where spot curb replacement occurs in front of a driveway, a portion of the driveway may need to be removed and replaced. If replacement is needed, the asphalt driveways affected will be patched 2 feet from the back of the curb towards the house and span the entire width of the driveway. Concrete driveways panels that require replacement will be replaced to the nearest joints in any direction from the damage.

Will the areas of my yard that are disturbed by construction activity be replaced?

Areas disturbed during construction will be restored with topsoil, seed, and hydraulic mulch. The contractor will be responsible for watering the seeded areas for the 45-day establishment and warranty period. All residents will receive notification of the end dates of the contractor’s seeding maintenance period, as well as tips on how to best care for the newly seeded areas. If a resident wishes to water beyond the even/odd restrictions, they will need to obtain a permit at Public Works.

How are landscaping features and lawn irrigation systems dealt with during construction?

Property owners are responsible for private features, such as invisible pet fences, irrigation lines, landscaping that are within the street right-of-way, and construction limits, so the contractor does not damage them. Generally, anything within 4 feet of the curb replacement areas will likely be disturbed and it is recommended that residents remove or move the features to avoid damage. The contractor is not responsible for damage to any private features within the city right-of-way and is not obligated to repair any private features damaged as part of the construction. If you have questions regarding any private features that may be impacted, contact the Construction Manager by calling the project hotline or by sending an email.

Contact Us!

Have any questions about construction? Call the project hotline to leave a voicemail and a member of the project team will get back to you as soon as possible. We are also reachable by email. See contact info below.

Hotline Phone Number:


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