
Albertville 2019 Street Improvements

Project Overview

On March 18, the City Council awarded a contract to Valley Paving for the 2019 Street Improvements Project.  The project consists of reclaiming (grinding up) the existing bituminous surface on Mackenzie Avenue and repaving with 4-inches of new blacktop..  The remaining streets in the project area will receive a 1-inch mill and a 2-inch overlay of new blacktop.  Prior to the mill and overlay there will be some minor patching and limited curb replacement.  In addition to the street work, the existing 8-foot bituminous trail in the project area will be replaced with a 5-foot concrete sidewalk.  Driveways adjacent to the sidewalk will have concrete aprons installed. A portion of the driveway behind the sidewalk will be patched. The size of the patch will vary depending on the existing grade of the driveway.

Project Schedule

The contractor is scheduled to start trail removal on Kahler Drive on May 13.  From May 13 to June 4 the plan is to pour the sidewalk, patch the driveways and replace sections of curb along Kahler Drive.  On June 10th the contractor will start trail removal on Karston Avenue.  The entire project is scheduled to be completed in late July.  When construction begins weekly updates will be posted.

Sprinkler Systems

Please mark your sprinkler heads or underground fencing adjacent to the curb or the existing trail.

Project Area Map

Project Contacts:

Jeff Weyandt
Project Manager

Alan Spilles

Adam Nafstad
City Engineer

City Hall