2023 Street Improvements
- Improve street surface conditions
- Replace poor curb and gutter sections for improved drainage
- Replace portions of concrete driveway aprons
- Improve concrete sidewalk at intersections to meet ADA requirements
July 20, 2023
Wooster Street Update – Road Closing
The concrete crew is scheduled to be onsite next Tuesday, July 25. EEE plans to start the final grading for curb, sidewalks, and driveways along Wooster Street tomorrow. The temp driveways will remain in place and accessible until Monday.
Starting Monday, July 24, the road will be fully closed during the working hours and only open in the evenings to those of you without driveway work. The concrete work will take several days to complete and will require cure time of 7 days before access may be restored to your properties. Please have all vehicles removed from your driveways/garages by 7:30am on Monday, July 24.
Elm Street Update
The watermain tests have passed and service work has begun. They plan to work west to east hooking up the new services as they go. They do plan on working this Saturday. A brief water shutdown will be required at each home while they connect the new service. As they get services installed EEE will be following behind with street grading and base operations in preparation for concrete work. The concrete crew will be in town next week and will focus on Wooster Street first, but Elm Street will not be far behind after the water service work is finished.
July 17, 2023
Elm Street Update
The watermain is progressing slower than anticipated, but the majority of the mainline watermain has been installed on Elm Street and testing is underway. Once all tests are completed, new water services will be installed to each home. That work is expected to start later this week. A brief water shutdown will be required at each home while they connect the new service.
As services are installed, EEE will be following behind with street grading and base operations in preparation for concrete work. The concrete crew may be onsite sometime the week of July 24 and will focus on Elm, Woodworth, and Wooster Streets curbs and gutters. Elm Street will be closed to get all the grading work completed.
Elm Street area east of Roan – EEE plans to continue removals this week.
Woodworth Street Update
EEE plans to start removals this week. Woodworth Street will be closed while the removals take place.
July 7, 2023
Elm Street Update
The watermain shutdowns for the connections at Diagonal Street are complete. Expect that more shutdowns will occur once they get into the Roan Street intersection. The underground crew will continue to work east towards Roan Street. The contractor does plan to work Saturday (July 8).
Elm Street area east of Roan – EEE plans to saw cut and possibly start removals sometime next week.
Woodworth Street Update
EEE plans to saw cut and possibly start removals sometime next week.
June 30, 2023
Elm Street Water Shutdown Update
The watermain shutdown that was scheduled for today has been postponed due to the rains. It has been rescheduled for Monday, July 3, from 8:00 am to noon to make connections to the existing watermain. The shutdown is only expected to affect Woodworth Street from Elm to Linden, Diagonal Street from Lantry to Oak now, and Linden Street from Diagonal to Woodworth. Those of you with services connected to Elm Street should not be affected. AMU had the water off before the rains and the existing valves were working to keep everyone’s service with an Elm Street address live.
June 29, 2023
Elm Street Update
Watermain work has started on Elm at Diagonal Street. With the holiday weekend upcoming the contractor plans to keep Elm Street open for resident access all weekend from the east off Roan Street. By next Wednesday, July 5, they are expecting to start installing watermain to the east and will be closing the street as they do so.
A watermain shutdown is scheduled for tomorrow, June 30, from 8:00 am to noon to make connections to the existing watermain. The shutdown is only expected to affect Woodworth Street from Elm to Linden, Diagonal Street from Elm to Oak, and Linden Street from Diagonal to Woodworth. Those of you along Elm Street are not planned to be affected, but as with any connection to the existing watermain, there is a chance that may change. It would not hurt to be prepared and have some bottled water ready.
Durant Street Update
Removals will likely take place the week of July 10.
June 21, 2023
Water Services on Wooster Street Almost Complete
Water service work along Wooster Street is expected to wrap up by end of this week. The temp gravel will remain in place for access until the concrete crew begins work, sometime in July.
Elm Street Closure Next Week
Elm Street removals for the watermain work have been completed and watermain work is expected to start on Monday, June 26. At that time the street will be closed. They plan to start work at Diagonal Street and work east to Roan Street. Those of you on the east end by Roan Street may have some access until work progresses further east.
As stated in previous updates the contractor plans to hold off work in the block east of Roan until later when the concrete crew is ready (July).
Durant Street Update
Removals have been marked and sawing will occur soon. Removals are scheduled for the first week in July but will depend on the progress of the watermain work on Elm Street.
Anticipated Start Date
June 5, 2023
Heartland Asphalt, Inc
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Contact Us!
Matt Cole
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 848-5208