South Sailor Street Improvements
Project Objectives
- Improve street surface conditions
- Reduce sewer inflow, infiltration and obstructions
- Increase water system flow capacity
- Replace deteriorating infrastructure
- Improve reliability and decrease maintenance
- Improve surface drainage conditions
Proposed Improvements – Reconstruction
- Street Reconstruction; Subsurface Drains
- Driveway Aprons, Curb & Gutter
- Sanitary Sewer Mains, Pipes and Manholes
- Water and Sewer Lines to Property Lines
- Replace Watermain, Hydrants, Valves and Fittings
- Concrete Sidewalk along 5th Street
Proposed Improvements – Mill and Overlay
- Curb Repair where needed
- Milling off some of the existing pavement where curb exists
- Paving a 2-inch bituminous mat over the entire roadway surface
- City Hall Parking Lot – full pavement removal and regrading to improve drainage
Anticipated Start Date
April 27
Dirt Merchant, Inc
Contact Us!
Ben Rosol
On-Site Inspector
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 236-6357
Wes Brown
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 381-0380