Project objectives
- Improve street surface conditions
- Reduce sewer inflow, infiltration, and obstructions
- Increase water system flow capacity
- Replace deteriorating infrastructure
- Improve reliability and decrease maintenance
- Improve surface drainage conditions
Proposed Improvements – Reconstruction
- Street reconstruction: subsurface drains
- Driveway aprons, curb & gutter
- Sanitary sewer mains, pipes, and manholes
- Storm sewer mains, pipes, and manholes
- Replace watermain, hydrants, valves, and fittings
- Water and sewer lines to property lines
- Concrete sidewalk
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Contact Us
Ben Rosol
City Engineer | Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 236-6357
Wade Bartz
On-Site Inspector | Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 848-4439