Project Summary
The County Road 10 corridor in the City of Waconia is a critical regional highway running through the City. Regional County and City comprehensive plans include the realignment of CSAH 10 west of the City. The realigned CSAH 10 as configured in above layout is just west of the Waconia High School and Middle School campus. The CSAH 10 roadway will continue north of the school parcel and eventually match into the existing CSAH 10 alignment. The school district (ISD 110) is currently constructing an expansion of their campus that crosses the planned highway alignment.
With this campus expansion, a new access to highway 5 was needed and is achieved through the CSAH 10 realignment. Joint benefits will be met with the Carver County highway constructed earlier than planned for access coordination, cost sharing potential, right-of-way preservation, and development coordination. A traffic study was completed jointly by the County, ISD 110, and City of Waconia that resulted in findings about the traffic benefit and long term need of the realignment of CSAH 10 west of the City.