Please reach out to Nick Amatuccio at nickam@bolton-menk.com or 612-965-3926 if you have any questions or concerns about a tree on your property.
• Concrete curb & gutter improves drainage along the roadway edge thereby reducing if not eliminating nuisance drainage issues. Streets in the neighborhood have varying topography, and some are relatively flat along their length. Concrete curb and gutter can be installed at relatively flat slopes, but still consistently draining in one direction. Roadways with bituminous asphalt or turf ditches cannot effectively be installed at flat slopes without also succumbing to nuisance drainage issues such as shallow ponding along the roadway edges and adjacent ditches.
• Concrete curb & gutter improves drainage along the roadway edge thereby keeping water out of the roadway pavement subgrade. Minnesota roadways are routinely subject to freeze/thaw cycles that greatly impact their lifespan. Eliminating water from the aggregate layers within the street pavement reduces the impact of the freeze/thaw cycle on pavement performance. The presence of concrete curb and gutter directs water more efficiently toward drainage inlets, not allowing that water time to soak into the pavement subgrade where it may become temporarily trapped and add to freeze/thaw impact, reduces maintenance costs, and improves efficiency in snow removal operations.
• Concrete curb & gutter provides a solid edge for the bituminous asphalt pavement. One of the keys to installing a long-lasting bituminous pavement is having it effectively compacted during installation. For this reason, heavy equipment such as a large steel drum roller is used on the pavement after it is placed. Where curb does not exist and the pavement is left unconfined at one edge, adequate density/compaction cannot be easily achieved. The steel drum roller can essentially squish the pavement outward at the unconfined edge, not achieving required densities and thereby decreasing the integrity and lifespan of that pavement. Having a concrete curbing along the roadway edge allows the bituminous pavement to be confined within the roadway and compressed against the curbing as it is rolled, improving pavement integrity through increased density/compaction. It is a goal of the City to cost effectively manage its infrastructure by maximizing its lifespan at reasonable cost. For this reason and the reasons listed above, it is City policy to install curb & gutter on all reconstructed roadways.
The owner of each private property owns the entire length of their water and sewer service from the main in the street to the house, including the portion within the public right-of-way and under the street. In the event of a sewer or water service break, often the costliest location for a break is located under the street pavement as the cost of replacing the roadway can be substantial. Replacement of this portion of the service with the project therefore avoids those substantial costs from being incurred for some time.
If a property’s sewer service is made of orangeburg material or water service is made of lead material, the plumbing code also requires replacement of your service within one year of discovery. For these situations, the project team will notify the Owner of the service material that needs to be replaced and provide contact information for private plumbers/contractors that have performed this work in Hopkins during past reconstruction projects. Regardless of service material, property owners can also choose to replace the remainder of their service using a private plumber/contractor. Replacement of sewer and water service lines will at some point become necessary for each property outside the City’s reconstruction limits due to age or condition of the service lines. A convenient time to do this is in conjunction with the City project, while the street and parts of yards are already disturbed, but before the City project is complete. The project team can help coordinate timing of this work with property owners during construction if notified of a property owner’s intent to have this work completed, or if replacement is required because of service materials that are not acceptable per the plumbing code.
Finally, the project team will also work with property owners that are interested in trenchless private replacement of their services beyond the public right-of-way, for special situations such as the existing service line traversing underneath a tree, extensive landscaping, or walkways. The trenchless replacement under these conflicts will need to be completed through a private contractor as described above and the project team can coordinate with the property owner’s private contractor and the City’s Contractor for the best timing to complete this work. This may also be of interest to residents who currently have services that run under retaining walls, steps, or driveways.
Impacted hardscapes within the right-of-way that are critical to the function of the yard such as retaining walls, paver walkways, and fences will be salvaged and reinstalled as part of the project. Impacted decorative landscaping and plantings within the right-of-way will need to be salvaged and reinstalled by the homeowner if they are to be saved. These items can also be simply removed and disposed of by the project if the homeowner does not wish to salvage them. The project team will avoid impacts to landscaping when feasible but disturbances to landscaping within the right-of-way can often be difficult to avoid, especially if it’s near the street, driveway, or sewer/water service.
Existing irrigation systems and invisible dog fences that are damaged by the City’s Contractor during construction will be repaired as part of the project at no additional cost to the property owner.
These construction durations are approximate and subject to change depending on the extent of work for each street, contractor scheduling, inclement weather, and unforeseen conditions.
During working hours, access may not be available if an excavation is occurring in front of or near your property. Workers will knock on doors or leave notices to ensure residents can get out of their driveways if needed prior to blocking off access.
The most significant direct property access restriction that residents will experience is when the concrete is poured in front of driveway accesses. Residents will need to be out of their driveway for about 7 days to let the concrete cure (harden). Notices will be delivered at least 24 hours in advance of this work with more detailed information.