May 4th, 2021 – Meeting information available under the DOCUMENTS tab
About the Project
Lake County plans to reconstruct four blocks of CSAH 30 & 35 and make Accessibility Improvements on CSAH 20 in the City of Two Harbors in 2021.
- CSAH 30 (8th St.) from Hwy 61/7th Ave. to 4th Ave.
- CSAH 35 (4th Ave. from 8th St. to 7th St.
- CSAH 20 (7th St.) Accessibility Improvements at 5th Ave.
The CSAH 30/CSAH 35 project is a full reconstruct within a residential neighborhood in Two Harbors. Adjacent land uses include business and retail, single and multi-family residential, and an elementary school.
Special consideration items for this urban project include:
- Minnehaha Elementary School facilities and student accessibility
- City public utilities crossing and within the county roadway
- Skunk Creek tunnel conveyance under CSAH 30
- Trail/sidewalk mobility compliance with PROWAG
- Business and residential access during construction
Existing Conditions
The four-block project area has numerous deficiencies to address: deterioration cracking, patch repairs, and upheaval of aged bituminous surfacing. School activities cause congestion during drop-off and pick-up times, which are not necessarily identified by average annual daily traffic (AADT) numbers noted below. Vehicle and pedestrian conflicts around the school zone are a safety concern.
The City of Two Harbors is currently proposing replacing the existing utility lines located within CSAH 30/35 project limits to meet current standards and life expectancy of the roadway. The city is evaluating the streets and utilities within the blocks located adjacent to the CSAH 30/35 project for potential improvement as a collaborated neighborhood effort.
Proposed Improvements
Lake County wants to construct new roadways to meet CSAH standards, including determining a typical section and constructing a trail/sidewalkâadditional right-of-way is not anticipated.
To meet state aid standards, temporary easements may be necessary in locations where construction disturbances occur outside of the existing right-of-way.
CSAH 30 (8th Street) has about 1,100 feet of roadway to reconstruct. The 70-foot right-of-way width would be verified to provide room for adjacent amenities. Proposed road improvements include reconstructing the road grade, storm sewer roadway surfacing, sidewalk/trail amenity, and coordination of city utility improvements within the roadway. The right-of-way width will remain the same with the newly constructed road.
CSAH 35 (4th Avenue) has about 475 feet of roadway to reconstruct. The right-of-way width of 70 feet offers room for adjacent amenities. Proposed road improvements include reconstructing road grade, road surfacing, sidewalk/trail amenity, and coordination of city utility improvements within the roadway. The city identified sanitary sewer and water concerns that will be addressed during reconstruction. The right-of-way width will remain the same with the newly constructed road.
CSAH 20 (7TH St.) at the intersection of 5th Avenue proposed improvements to the corner pedestrian ramps.
Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG)
PROWAG will be followed for facilities located within the project limits. CSAH 30, CSAH 35, and the intersection of CSAH 20 (7th Street) and 5th Avenue are proposed to have sidewalks and pedestrian ramps which will be constructed to meet PROWAG best practices.
Currently anticipate Winter 2020-2021 project out for bids
Street improvement construction is anticipated to begin summer 2021.