The 2024-2026 Forcemain Improvements Project includes sewer improvements to four areas within the wastewater system. The Garlock Slough, Green Acres, Nodlands, and Orleans forcemains are beyond their useful life, have deteriorated and need to be replaced. These projects are being done to address the needs of the aging infrastructure while managing future anticipated flows within the system. Generally, the work will be completed using trenchless drilling methods which will minimize surface impacts and road disruptions. The general timelines are shown below weather permitting and subject to adjustments.
The recommended improvements for each of the four project areas are as follows:
- Orleans
- Garlock Slough
- Green Acres
- Nodlands
Project Area
Green Acres Forcemain Area
The forcemain serving the Green Acres lift station will be replaced from the lift station at the entrance to Emerson State Park running under 200th Street to Highway 86. The work is expected to take two weeks and occur in mid-to late March, depending on weather conditions.
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Project Contacts
Josh Pope
District Engineer
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(712) 363-8638
Katy Gehler
Project Manager
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
Austin Crew
Construction Project Representative
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(515) 567-0983