Well 5 Raw Watermain Connection Overview
The City of Pipestone is undertaking a construction project to improve the reliability and quality of the water distribution system by connecting an existing water well to the City’s raw water feed into the Water Treatment Plant.
Competitive bids for the work were received on May 17, 2021, and the project was awarded to GM Contracting, Inc. from Lake Crystal, MN. The schedule for the start of construction is still being worked out with the Contractor.
Project Map
What can I expect during construction?
In the areas of the project with residences (along 2nd Street SE & 6th Ave SE) the proposed pipe will be constructed with trenchless methods. This will minimize the impacts to residents along the project. Access points and connections for the trenchless construction will have surface disturbances restored as part of the project, except for the portion along 2nd Street SE, which will be restored as part of the reconstruction project along that street.
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Caleb Kolander
Construction Representative
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 594-0055
Jason Zinter, P.E.
Project Engineer
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 236-2371
Travis Winter, P.E.
City Engineer
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 236-2371