South Center Core Project


Project Overview


Map of the project area

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This project will repair the main wastewater interceptor of the Iowa Great Lakes Region’s sanitary sewer system. This interceptor is the backbone of the system, routing all wastewater from the area to the wastewater treatment facility to be treated before being released back into the environment. This interceptor is well over 85 years old and is in need of routine repair to ensure the system continues to function efficiently and reliably.

Anticipated Timeline

The project team is currently conducting a feasibility study which requires surveyors to collect onsite data in the project area. Once surveying is complete, the project team will begin designing the improvements with plans for construction to begin in 2025. Below is a tentative project schedule; all dates are subject to change.

  • Feasibility study: March – November 2023
  • Final Design – Prepare Plans and Specifications: January – July 2024
  • Bidding Process: December 2024 – January 2025
  • Award Contract: February 2025
  • Construction: March 2025 – Summer 2026

Project Updates

May 9, 2024 – Easement needs are being determined.

Project Background

Throughout the last century, the Iowa Great Lakes Region has grown significantly and as a result, so has the demand on our wastewater network. To make sure we are able to keep up with our current service levels and accommodate future growth, it’s critical we repair and replace our wastewater infrastructure just like we do with bridges and roads.

In the Iowa Great Lakes region, most homes, businesses, schools, and other facilities are connected to one wastewater treatment plant through an extensive network of sewer pipes. The Iowa Great Lakes Sanitary District monitors and operates the sewer network for the area and has identified aging infrastructure in the Arnolds Park and Milford region that requires replacement to ensure continued and improved service for residents and businesses in this area.

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Project Contacts

Josh Pope
District Engineer
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(712) 363-8638

Jessica Fisher
Assistant District Engineer
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(515) 233-6100 ext. 4175