4th Street SE and 19th Avenue SE Intersection Improvements Project
4th Street SE and 19th Avenue SE Intersection

Project Overview

The City of Rochester has initiated the 4th Street SE and 19th Avenue SE Intersection Improvements project to improve traffic operations and safety. The City is in the final stages of planning and design for the intersection. The intent of this project is to construct a roundabout in place of the current intersection to increase safety for all roadway users, act as a traffic calming device, and improve current traffic flow conditions at the intersection.

During the design development for the county’s CSAH 9 project in 2019, an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) report was completed for the 4th Street SE and 19th Avenue SE intersection. The ICE report included an evaluation of a roundabout. The ICE report indicated that the roundabout alternative performed better in traffic safety and operations than the current intersection configuration, however the roundabout at the intersection of 4 Street SE and 19 Avenue SE was eliminated from the County project due to the inability to acquire the necessary right of way during the time constraints of the federal funding received for the project. The City believes a roundabout is the right solution for this intersection and is taking the steps to acquire the easements and construct the improvements.

Construction of the project has shifted from 2022 to 2025. For more information on the public information opportunities, visit the Get Involved page.

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Roundabout Education

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To participate in the December 2020 Virtual Open House, visit the Get Involved page.

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Project Goals

• Safety for all users
• Mobility for all users

• Pedestrian and bike facilities
• Transit facilities and access

Project Location

Map of Rochester, Minnesota