Albertville Public Works

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program

In an effort to protect our water resources, the city has a federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water permit, administered by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

The permit requires the City, as the owner of a comprehensive storm sewer system, to develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). The goal of the SWPPP is to reduce the discharge of pollutants from our storm sewer system.

The program has six goals:

  1. Public education and outreach
  2. Public participation and involvement
  3. Illicit discharge and elimination
  4. Construction site runoff control
  5. Post-construction storm water management
  6. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping

Stormwater Education Articles

Related Documents:

Related Information

Suspect an Illicit Discharge? Report It!

Contact the City Hall at 763-497-3384, during business hours
After hours call Non-Emergency Sheriff Dispatch at 763-682-1162