
2021 Mill & Overlay Street Improvement Updates

October 12, 2021

Milling and Paving Update

Fort Dodge Asphalt started milling last Friday and began paving today, working on Blackford and Overmeyer.

The tentative schedule (assuming no rain delays) is as follows:

  • Today, Oct. 12 – Complete paving on Overmeyer, Patch east end of South Street (Access from Riverview and Williams is open). Patch remaining curb and valley gutter areas on Kennedy, Williams and Lowe. Overmeyer and Blackford are expected to be open before 7:30 PM tonight.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 13 – Pave South Avenue, Mill Kennedy, mill Williams and start milling on Lowe Street.
  • Thursday, Oct. 14 – Pave Riverview, Kennedy and both blocks of Williams Street.
  • Friday, Oct. 15 – Pave Lowe Street.

Streets will be closed during paving but we plan to open them as soon as the asphalt has time to cool, typically 3-4 hours after paving is complete. Fort Dodge Asphalt will hang door hangers the day before they plan on paving any given street for your notification.

With rain chances high tomorrow, everything may get pushed back one day.  Fort Dodge Asphalt plans to work Saturday to finish the paving if necessary. Other delays may result in finishing early next week.

Erpelding has grading and backfilling to complete yet around the new concrete. With being this late in the year we plan to dormant seed the remaining areas on this project, which is expected to take place in November.

What can I expect during construction?

This project encompasses a large area of town and work will progress block to block. Please check the website often and/or sign up for email/text updates.

Garbage & Recycling

Until further notice, continue to place your garbage and recycling bins where you normally place them for each scheduled pick-up. We ask that you please have your garbage or recycling bins at the end of your driveway by 7:00 a.m. the day it is supposed to be picked up. This will help the contractor know that garbage and recycling bins need to be moved to side streets. The contractor will contact and coordinate with the pick-up companies. Please write or display your house number prominently on your bins so that it can be returned to you.

Concrete Construction

With concrete sidewalk, curb, and driveway work as part of this project, please note that you should not park or drive on any newly placed concrete before it is opened to traffic. This can cause undue stress and permanent damage to the concrete. Concrete should be allowed at least 7 days to cure. New concrete is sprayed with a white curing compound. This keeps the moisture content high in the concrete to provide for better curing and strength. Do not seal a new concrete driveway for at least three months and avoid the use of deicing salts for the first year.

Sump Pump and Roof Drain Information

This section is for some residents along the project that have been notified by the City about current sump pump lines and/or roof drains having an outlet in the existing curb. These outlets will be abandoned as part of this project. The notification letter provided the details of the City’s requirements to disconnect the sump pump. If the work has not completed yet, please get started ASAP.


Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the on-site inspector, Todd Olson at 515-350-3742 or

Estimated Start Date

July 26


Fort Dodge Asphalt Company

Click below to sign up for project updates!

Contact Us!

Matt Cole
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 848-5208