Boone County Comp Plan and Zoning Code Update

Project Overview

A Comprehensive Plan

A Comprehensive Plan identifies the vision and goals of the County while acting as a guide and reference for growth and development. A Comprehensive Plan outlines changes of the landscape and built environment for many years into the future. Boone County’s Comprehensive Plan is a living document meant to be continuously updated and edited to fit the everchanging needs of the community. The plan is intended to outline future land use and transportation patterns, the community’s housing and amenity needs, and public and private partnerships for infrastructure investments. A Comprehensive Plan also provides guidance on the implementation of a community’s goals.

Boone County’s Comprehensive Plan addresses the following:

    • Vision, Goals, and Objectives
    • Land Use
    • Housing
    • Parks, Open Space and Recreation
    • Transportation
    • Agricultural, Natural Resources and Stormwater Management
    • Economic Development
    • Intergovernmental Cooperation
    • Public and Community Facilities
    • Public Infrastructure and Utilities
    • Community Character and Cultural Resources
    • Hazards
    • Implementation Strategies

The Importance

A Comprehensive Plan outlines the future character of a community while providing clear goals and implementation strategies. A Comprehensive Plan can be used as a tool to identify the public’s needs regarding infrastructure, human services, and amenities. Comprehensive Plans help communities identify and effectively utilize their resources to progress growth and development towards the community’s vision and goals.