Creamery Avenue Improvements


Project Overview

Creamery Avenue Improvements

Project Overview

The City of Browerville is undertaking a construction project to improve the city streets and utilities. This project includes replacing the sanitary sewer mains and services, replacing water services and a portion of the water mains, replacing the storm sewer system, and reconstructing the streets.

The first phase of construction is planned to occur on Creamery Avenue between Harris Creek and 7th Street. Work in this area is planned to be completed in November. Most of the remaining work will be completed in 2025. The top layer of paving on some streets will occur in 2026.

Construction Goals:

  • Sanitary sewer improvements
  • Water distribution improvements
  • Storm sewer improvements
  • Street and curb construction
  • Driveway and turf restoration
  • Private utility relocation

R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc.

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Contact Us

Kent Louwagie, P.E.
Browerville City Engineer
Cell: 320-905-5446

Jeremy Boots, P.E.
Project Manager
Cell: 320-895-0137

Brandon DeWolf
Construction Representative (RPR)
(onsite full-time)
Cell: 612-750-0353

What to Expect During Construction

What’s Under My Street?