Construction Update

March 11, 2022

Progress Update

Since October 2021, the expansion’s basic building has been completed. Interior pipes and pumps have been replaced in the existing high service pump area, and the piping and valves in the new filter pipe gallery have been installed.

In the coming months, exterior colored block and metal roofing will be installed. All construction is anticipated to be completed by the end of July 2022.

PLEASE NOTE: Tower Lane, south of the water treatment facility is closed to all traffic, bicyclists and pedestrians during construction.


Construction Update

October 19, 2021

Progress Update

  • Placed concrete for the final wall pour for the Pipe Gallery, Filter and Detention Tank walls.
  • Installed and connected the new water line to the existing water line.
  • Completed backfilling work in preparation for the Chemical Room building addition.

Planned Work

  • Pour footings and begin laying the brick walls for the Chemical Room.
  • Prepare for and place concrete for the splitter structure, which divides and diverts water flow.
  • Install piping at Well Site #5.
  • Begin building the Well House.

Construction Update

September 3, 2021

Progress Update

  • Placed concrete for both the first, second and third wall pour of the Pipe Gallery, Filter, and Detention Tank.
  • Began resetting forms for the fourth and final wall pour for the Pipe Gallery, Filter and Detention Tank walls.
  • Began backfilling up to the top of the base slab.

Planned Work

  • Place concrete for the final wall pour for the Pipe Gallery, Filter and Detention Tank walls.
  • Continue backfilling work on the south side.
  • Place concrete for footings.
  • Begin work for the concrete walkways around the Filters and Detention Tank.

Construction Update

April 14, 2021

Construction Update

Construction activity for the Water System Expansion project will increase over the next few weeks. Residents in the project area can anticipate increased construction traffic due to material deliveries, erosion control installation, and watermain pipe installation. Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time!

Monthly Work Update

April 1, 2021

Progress Update

  • Continued concrete work on the Backwash Reclaim Tank (BWRT)
  • Installed piping inside the BWRT
  • Placed concrete for the temporary location of the generator

Planned Work

  • Install piping to BWRT and replace soil around tank
  • Begin remaining piping and utility work around the site
  • Install a new transformer and generator

Construction Updates

March 11, 2021

Construction Safety Notice

For your safety, please do not walk through the construction area on Tower Lane until it reopens at the end of 2021. If you see someone in the project area that is not a construction worker, help keep them safe by letting them know that the area is restricted to the public. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Jabs at 612-269-9970 or via email at

Monthly Work Update

March 2, 2021

Completed Work

  • Finished placing concrete for the west walls on the Backwash Reclaim Tank (BWRT).
  • Started preparing to set BWRT top slab.

Planned Work

  • Pour BWRT overflow box concrete.
  • Place top slab of BWRT.
  • Complete leak test on BWRT.
  • Relocate the generator.

Tower Lane Closure

February 22, 2021

Tower Lane Closure Notice

Tower Lane will be closed beginning March 1, 2021. This area will be used to store construction equipment during the water treatment facility construction until the end of 2021. We apologize for the inconvenience.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Jabs at 612-269-9970 or via email at

Utility work notice

February 19, 2021

Utility Work Notice 

Beginning the week of February 24, crews will be on site to install stakes in preparation for utility work. After the stakes are in place, crews will be on site the week of March 1 to remove excess brush and trees. This work may require temporary lane restrictions and flaggers on the roadway but will not affect access along Jonathan Carver Parkway. Flaggers will be on site to direct traffic when lane restrictions occur.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Jabs at 612-269-9970 or via email at

Monthly work update

January 28, 2021

Completed Work

  • Excavated and placed concrete for Backwash Reclaim Tanks (BWRT) base slab.
  • Set inside wall forms and wall reinforcing steel for west half of the BWRT walls.
  • Tied reinforcing steel for east half of BWRT walls.
  • Set wall sleeves for BWRT reclaim pump and waste pump.

Planned Work

  • This week: Finish setting wall forms and placing concrete for the west half of BWRT walls.
  • Week of 2/1: Finish setting wall forms, reinforcing steel, wall sleeves and placing concrete for the east half of BWRT walls.
  • Remaining Month of February: place floor grout, form and place concrete for columns and set shoring, tie reinforcing steel and place concrete for BWRT top slab.

What can I expect during construction?

Minor traffic impacts may be necessary during the project; however, no detours are anticipated. Residents will receive a paper notice at their door should any impacts occur.

For more information view the construction kick-off newsletter.