2023 Street & Utility Improvements


Project Updates

Construction Update

July 19, 2024

This week, the contractor finished installing all the sanitary sewer mainline, sewer service lines, and water service lines on the final block of the project (2nd Ave to 3rd Ave). They also finished watermain tie-ins and installed the remaining storm sewer. All major underground utilities on the project are now fully installed.

Subdrain was installed from 4th Ave to 8th Ave, and sand and gravel was placed down on these four blocks. This morning, the contractor plans to finish adding concrete to all the storm structure inlets and then begin cleaning up the last two blocks (2nd Ave to 4th Ave) to prepare for road base construction.

Next week, the contractor will aim to get subdrain, sand, and gravel in for the final two blocks. They also have a couple storm sewer repairs to do. Paving still could be 2-4 weeks out, but the contractor is working to get somebody in here as soon as possible. The contractor will start their paving on the east side of the project and work their way west. Concrete removals for sidewalks and driveways are partially complete, but will likely not be removed in full until after paving is done.

July 15, 2024

The contractor has completed all sanitary sewer and watermain from 3rd Ave to 4th Ave, including the water and sewer services for this block. They also have most of the mainline sanitary sewer and watermain installed for the final block of the project (from 2nd Ave to 3rd Ave). Once the bacteria tests pass for this final block, they will be able to finish tying-in the watermain.

The contractor also performed concrete stabilization on the east two blocks (6th to 8th Ave). This will allow the road crew to start putting down rock and sand sometime this week. The contractor is finished with their subgrade preparation for the middle two blocks (4th to 6th Ave), so they will be able to begin building the road on these two blocks as soon as the first two are complete.

This week, the contractor will aim to complete all sanitary sewer and watermain from 2nd Ave to 3rd Ave, including all sewer and water service lines. They will also hopefully get a good start on the remaining storm sewer from 4th to 3rd Ave. The contractor hopes to have all sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer on the project completed by the middle of next week. Concrete street paving is still a ways out, but the contractor estimates it could happen around the 2nd or 3rd week of August.

June 28, 2024

This week, the contractor completed the water services and watermain tie-in from 4th Ave to 6th Ave this week. They also finished a storm sewer run they had left. All major utility work from 4th Ave to 6th Ave is now complete. Yesterday, the contractor began mainline sanitary sewer on the final two blocks of the project (2nd Ave to 4th Ave). They were set back a bit by the rain yesterday, but will resume working today.

Next week, the 4th of July holiday will be brief, especially in case of rain on either Monday or Tuesday as forecasted. The contractor is doing their best to pump water and remove slop before digging to help with compaction. However, the unprecedented rainfall this year has certainly set them back. Still, even with the constant delays, they believe two or three dry weeks is enough to have all the remaining utility work installed. They hope to finish the sanitary sewer before the 4th of July and start the watermain the week of the 8th.

June 21, 2024

Last week, the contractor finished the watermain and storm sewer from 4th Ave to 6th Ave. They also began installing the new water service lines.

This week, the contractor did not work at all due to the constant rain. They will likely resume work on Monday, as this weekend and next week look relatively dry. The contractor will aim to finish the water services before transitioning to sanitary sewer on the final two blocks (from 2nd Ave to 4th Ave). They will aim to finish the mainline sanitary sewer by the end of next week.

April 10, 2024

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Contact Information

Travis Winter, Principal Engineer
Bolton & Menk, Inc.

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