
Construction Updates

August 26, 2024

If you live in the red outlined area, your water service will be shut off on Tuesday, August 27th from 6AM until NOON or until the water main is repaired.  Please save water ahead of time and bath the night before if possible.


August 23, 2024

The intersection of 4th Grant Boulevard West (Wabasha County Highway 59) and Bridge Avenue will be open again on Friday evening.


August 21, 2024

Due to a watermain break, properties in the red outlined area will have water services shut off on Thursday, August 22nd from 6 a.m. through 2 p.m., or until the water main repair can be completed. Save water and bathe ahead of time if possible.

August 21, 2024

As a result of utility work being conducted, the Bridge Ave and 5th Grant Blvd W intersection will be temporarily closed. Please see the attached map for the closure area and use alternate routes until further notice. An additional update will be sent out once the intersection reopens.

We thank you for your patience!

July 22, 2024

Over the past two weeks, the contractor completed paving the final lift of asphalt and pavement striping on Main Street. They also worked on storm sewer work along Pembroke Avenue and 2nd Street, as well as street construction and preliminary work for street lighting along Pembroke Avenue. For the coming week, they plan to continue street construction along Pembroke Avenue, with the start of curb and gutter construction planned for the end of the week. High groundwater levels are still preventing them from continuing any utility work along Bridge Avenue between 3rd Street and 5th Grant Boulevard.


July 3, 2024

The contractor is planning to pave the final layer of asphalt on Main Street, between Bridge Avenue and Pembroke Avenue, next week on Thursday, 7/11.  Paving is expected to take a full day if everything goes according to plan, but it’s possible it may extend to a second day.  No parking will be allowed while paving operations are taking place.  In the days prior to paving, the contractor will be raising manholes and valve boxes.  They will also be paving the first layer of asphalt on Bridge Avenue between Main Street and 3rd Street.

This past week the contractor worked on storm sewer along Pembroke Avenue between Main Street and 3rd Street.  For the coming week, they will continue that work, in addition to preparing for paving on Main Street and Bridge Avenue.


June 27, 2024

There will be a planned water shutdown affecting properties within the red box on the attached map on July 2nd, 2024, from 5AM to 9AM or until completed.  This shutdown is necessary to make connections between existing and new watermain for the project.  We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

This past week the contractor continued work on watermain and sewer/water services along Pembroke Avenue between Main Street and 3rd Street.  For the coming week, they plan to continue with watermain and service work, and will start working on watermain along Pembroke Avenue between Main Street and 3rd Street.

As you may have noticed, Bridge Avenue from 3rd Street to Main Street has been opened to traffic with a gravel surface.  This section of roadway will remain open until asphalt paving occurs sometime in July.

June 19, 2024

UPDATE: The water shutoff, previously scheduled for June 21st has been rescheduled to Tuesday, June 25th.


June 18, 2024

There is a temporary water shutoff scheduled on Friday June 21st beginning at 5AM until 9AM at the latest. Water will be restored as quickly as possible to minimize disruptions.

We appreciate your patience throughout this reconstruction process.


June 5, 2024

This past week the contractor continued work on sanitary sewer on Pembroke Avenue and sidewalk/driveway concrete work on Bridge Avenue.  For the coming week, they plan to start working on watermain along Pembroke Avenue between Main Street and 3rd Street.

The contractor also plans to finish the remaining sidewalk/driveway concrete along Bridge Avenue between Main Street and 3rd Street. High groundwater levels are still preventing them from continuing any utility work along Bridge Avenue between 3rd Street and 5th Grant Boulevard.


May 31, 2024

This past week the contractor worked on installing sanitary sewer along Pembroke Avenue, and concrete sidewalk along Bridge Avenue.

Next week they plan to continue with sanitary sewer and Watermain along Pembroke Avenue between Main Street and third Avenue. They also plan to continue with concrete work along Bridge Avenue.


May 22, 2024

Since our last update, the contractor has shifted underground utility work from Bridge Avenue to Pembroke Avenue due to high groundwater levels affecting the Bridge Avenue work.

On Bridge Avenue, they’ve shifted to working on installation of gravel base, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between Main Street and 3rd Street.  On Pembroke Avenue they have milled the existing asphalt and started sanitary sewer installation from Main Street to 2nd Street.

Over this next week, they plan to work in sidewalk installation along Bridge Avenue and continue with sanitary sewer installation along Pembroke Avenue.

During construction along Pembroke Avenue, to accommodate bus traffic for the Eagle Center, traffic flow on Lawrence Boulevard between Bailey Avenue and Pembroke Avenue will be temporarily reversed.  This change is expected to be in place until the project is completed this fall.


May 9, 2024

This past week the contractor completed the watermain connection at 2nd Street and Bridge Avenue and worked on storm sewer along Bridge Avenue. Thank you for your patience with the water shutdown last Friday to facilitate the watermain connection.

Unfortunately, high groundwater levels influence by river levels are limiting the amount of work that they can complete on Bridge Avenue.  Therefore, they plan to shift work to Pembroke Avenue next week, possibly as early as Wednesday. Work will begin with milling the asphalt surface, followed by utility installation starting at the intersection of Pembroke Avenue and Main Street.

During this time, directional signage will be installed along 4th Grant Boulevard to direct traffic to Alleghany Avenue for access to downtown. In addition, Bridge Avenue from Main Street to 2nd Street will have gravel installed to allow for traffic to use that portion of the roadway.


May 1, 2024

There will be a major water shut-off that will impact property owners in the red-outlined areas on the map above beginning at 3AM on Friday, May 3rd, and lasting until 6AM.  This is necessary to connect the new water main on Bridge Avenue.  The work has been scheduled for early morning to try to minimize impacts. Due to high groundwater levels from the river rising, the work can’t be postponed. Please make sure to plan ahead and store water if necessary.  We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience during this project!


April 24, 2024

The contractor has been working on watermain installation this week, moving south from Main Street along Bridge Avenue. They expect to reach the intersection of 3rd Street later today and will continue the rest of this week and into next week moving towards 4th Grant Boulevard.


April 16, 2024

The contractor now plans to close the intersection of Bridge Avenue and 4th Grant Boulevard starting on Thursday this week to complete the sewer installation in that intersection. A signed detour will be put in place to direct traffic, and the planned duration of the closure and detour is now expected to be 2 days. They expect to have the intersection back open on Friday evening at the latest, assuming things go to plan.

As previously noted, additional closures of that intersection, for similar lengths of time and with the same detour, will occur at different times later in the project, as they complete other work in that intersection, such as watermain, storm sewer, and paving. Prior notice of those closures will be made at a later date.

In addition to the intersection work, the contractor will be working on watermain installation on Bridge Street this week. Next week, no work is planned for Monday and Tuesday, but watermain installation is expected to resume on Wednesday.


April 12, 2024

The contractor has made better progress than expected with the installation of sanitary sewer main along Bridge Avenue.  They plan to close the intersection of Bridge Avenue and 4th Grant Boulevard, possibly as early as Tuesday next week, to complete the sewer installation in that intersection.  A signed detour will be put in place to direct traffic, and the planned duration of the closure and detour is 1-day, assuming things go to plan.

Additional closures of that intersection, for similar lengths of time and with the same detour, will occur at different times later in the project, as they complete other work in that intersection, such as watermain, storm sewer, and paving.  Prior notice of those closures will be made at a later date.


April 11, 2024

Over the past week and a half, the contractor completed milling the existing pavement and removed curb and gutter along Bridge Avenue between Main Street and 4th Grant Boulevard.  They also began the installation of sanitary sewer main, starting at Main Street and moving south along Bridge Avenue.

Over the rest of this week and next week, the contractor will continue installing sanitary sewer main and expects to reach 4th Grant Boulevard by the end of next week.


March 18, 2024

The location of the neighborhood meeting on Monday, March 25th has been changed to the Wabasha Public Library (168 Alleghany Ave, Wabasha, MN 55981). Join the project team at 6 PM to learn more about the schedule, scope of work, and what to expect during construction.


March 14, 2024

Given the early spring weather, the contractor, Pember Companies, has decided to begin work on the second phase of the project along Bridge Avenue early. Work is currently scheduled to begin the week of March 25th.

A neighborhood informational meeting will be held at Wabasha City Hall on Monday, March 25 at 6 PM. At the meeting, we will review the schedule and scope of work for the second and third phases of the project along Bridge Avenue and Pembroke Avenue. We will also go over what you can expect during construction.

December 19, 2023

The new street lights for Main Street are expected to be delivered today (Tuesday) and the lighting contractor is planning to begin installation on Wednesday. They expect installation to take approximately 4 days, so the hope is that the street lights will be active before Christmas.

Please be aware that for initial activation and warranty purposes, the street lights need to stay on continuously for a period of time. So, for the first few days, you may notice the lights are on during the daytime. After that, controls will be adjusted so that they are only on at night.


November 10, 2023

Over the past two weeks, the contractor completed sidewalk construction, sodding, tree installation, and temporary parking stall striping. All streets are now open to traffic. Over the next week, Pember Construction will be working on cleaning up the project site for winter and finishing any minor work remaining. Street light installation is expected to begin in early December as soon as light poles and fixtures are delivered.

Work will resume next spring starting on Bridge Avenue, followed by work on Pembroke Avenue starting later in the spring/summer. Work next year will also include installation of the final wearing course on Main Street.

For the new concrete sidewalk along Main Street, we ask that property owners avoid the use of salt for ice control and use sand instead, if possible, this first winter. New concrete is more susceptible to damage from deicing products during the first year of its life cycle.


October 27, 2023

This past week, the contractor worked on concrete sidewalk construction, installed boulevard topsoil, and completed the first layer of asphalt paving.  This next week, they will continue with sidewalk construction and install boulevard sod. Expected cold temperatures on Monday and Tuesday next week may limit progress on sidewalk construction.


October 19, 2023

Over the past two weeks, the contractor completed curb and gutter installation and has progressed on sidewalk installation. They also completed installation of concrete bases and wiring for light poles. Asphalt paving is planned for this Saturday.  Next week, the contractor will continue with sidewalk installation. Unfortunately, due to supply chain delays, light poles will likely not be installed until sometime in December.


October 6, 2023

This past week the contractor completed grading and aggregate base installation for the roadway and made progress on installation of light pole bases and electrical conduit. Next week, light pole base and conduit installation will continue, and curb and gutter is expected to mid-week.  Once curb and gutter is installed, sidewalk construction will begin, likely the week after next.


September 29, 2023

The contractor completed installation of the subdrain and preparation of the roadbed this week. Work will progress next week with installation of the electrical conduits and grading of the sidewalk areas. Curb and gutter is tentatively scheduled for the week of October 9th.


September 22, 2023

The contractor completed installation of the storm sewer this week working from Walnut Avenue to Pembroke Avenue. Next week the contractor will begin installation of the subdrain and preparation of the roadbed. This work will generally progress from Bridge Avenue towards Pembroke Avenue.


September 15, 2023

The contractor completed the connections to the existing watermains at Heritage Park and Alleghany on Friday morning and the water is back on. We thank everyone for their patience with the water shutdown that allowed this work to be completed! Those in the area of the shutdown may experience discolored water due to natural sediments stirring in the waterlines. If water is discolored in your home or business, run a faucet for ten to fifteen minutes until it runs clear.

This week the contractor continued making sewer and water service connections to each property. Work began on storm sewer installation and the contractor progressed from Bridge Avenue to Walnut Avenue. Storm sewer work will continue next week.

September 12, 2023

The contractor will be making connections to existing watermains at Alleghany Avenue and Heritage Park on Friday, September 15th. To make these connections, water supply will be temporarily impacted. If you have property in the shaded region on the map shown, your water supply may be shutdown between 5 AM-10 AM or until repairs are completed.

Thank you for your patience while crews work to have service restored as soon as possible.

September 8, 2023

This week the contractor continued making sewer and water service connections to each property and will continue this work next week.  Connections to existing watermains at Alleghany Avenue and Heritage Park will occur late next week. A water shutdown will be needed to complete this work and will be scheduled in the morning hours to minimize disruption to businesses. Notice of the shutdown will be posted through the city’s CodeRed service, Facebook and this e-blast service. A second crew will begin storm sewer work at Bridge Avenue and work towards Walnut Avenue. Sidewalk removals will occur ahead of this work.


September 1, 2023

The contractor completed the connections to the existing watermains at Walnut Avenue and Bridge Street on Friday morning and the water is back on. We thank everyone for their patience with the water shutdown that allowed this work to be completed! Those in the area of the shutdown may experience discolored water due to natural sediments stirring in the waterlines. If water is discolored in your home or business, run a faucet for ten to fifteen minutes until it runs clear.

No work will occur next Monday in observance of Labor Day. Work will resume on Tuesday with continued connections of sewer and water services to each property.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!


August 31, 2023

The contractor will be making connections to existing watermains at Walnut Ave and Bridge Ave on Friday, September 1st. To make these connections, water supply will be temporarily impacted. If you live in the shaded region on the map shown, your water supply may be shutdown between 5 AM-Noon or until repairs are completed.

Thank you for your patience while crews work to have service restored as soon as possible.


August 18, 2023

Installation of sanitary sewer on Main Street was completed this week and work will be starting on the sewer service connections to each property. A second crew started installation of watermain and progressed from Bridge Street through Alleghany Avenue. Connections to the existing watermain at Walnut Avenue and Alleghany Avenue are anticipated late next week and a short water shutdown will be needed to complete the work. Affected businesses and residents will be notified 48 hours in advance of any planned water shutdown.


August 11, 2023

The contractor continued installation of sanitary sewer on Main Street from the intersection of Walnut Avenue to Alleghany Avenue. Next week the contractor will start work on the installation of watermain from Bridge Avenue to Walnut Avenue. To avoid conflicts with the equipment performing the work, the streetlights will be removed next week.


August 4, 2023

The contractor started work on the sanitary sewer with installation of the manhole at Bridge Avenue and Main Street. Work progressed  along Main Street with sewer installation to the intersection of Walnut Avenue. Next week the contractor will continue work along Main Street towards the intersection of Allegheny Ave. 

To make use of daylight hours and keep the work progressing as quickly as possible, the contractor will be working 6 am to 8 pm weekdays.


July 28, 2023

Next week the contractor plans to start installation of the sanitary sewer on Main street beginning at Bridge Avenue and working toward the east. The sidewalks will remain in place during underground work and provide pedestrian access to all buildings. Watch the What to Expect During Construction video to learn more about sequencing of work during a construction project.


July 21, 2023

The road closure of Main Street from Bridge Avenue to Pembroke Avenue was put in place on Friday, July 21st. All vehicles need to be removed from inside the closure by Sunday evening. During construction, there are several areas available for parking outside of the construction zone. Please see the downtown access map for more details.

Pember will mill the Main Street surface from Bridge Street to Pembroke Avenue starting on Monday morning.  Sanitary sewer work starting at Bridge Street will begin mid-week.  Work will be limited on Friday to avoid conflicts with Riverboat days.

Click image to enlarge.

July 19, 2023

The downtown construction project will be starting soon with closure of Main Street starting Friday, July 21st.  During construction, there are several areas available for parking outside of the construction zone. In this active downtown area, it is important to note that pedestrian access will be maintained throughout construction so you can still get to your favorite destinations.


June 28, 2023

An informational meeting for property owners affected by the project was held on Tuesday, June 27 at 5:30 p.m. Please review the presentation to learn more about the upcoming improvements, scheduling, and other frequently asked questions.

Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin July 22nd. More information will be shared as it becomes available closer to the beginning of construction.

Please feel free to reach out to Katy Gehler with any questions at or at (507) 513-9066.

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Contact Us

Brian Malm – City Engineer
(507) 381-7511

Russ Morsching – Construction Project Representative
(507) 323-5192