City of Wabasso - Sanitary Sewer System Improvements



Construction Updates

PROJECT UPDATE:  8-17-2024

Over the last few weeks, utility work and street restoration has made some progress. Holtmeier Construction has completed sewer work on Pine Street, Alley A, Alley 1, and the east block of Alley 2. The crew on Pine Street will now be working on replacing the sewer down Alley 4 to the east of Pine Street. The other crew will be working on Alley 2 west of Pine Street. These two segments will take a few weeks. One of the crews will also be working on the remaining storm sewer repairs on Dewey Street. Once these areas are completed, the two crews will begin work on the west part of Alley 4 and Alley 3.

M.R. Paving & Excavating has restored all of Dewey Street to a drivable gravel surface, with the exception of a half block between Oak Street and Alley A. Alley E on the east side of the public school parking lot has also been restored to its original gravel surface. The periodic rains have slowed the street and alley restoration slightly more than the sewer work. The ground must be recompacted and firmed up before streets and alleys can be graveled and opened back up to traffic.

Please continue to coordinate with Holtmeier Construction and their subcontractor, Underground Technologies, for sanitary sewer televising. This televising is free of charge and the City will have records of your service televising on file upon completion of the project.


Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk

PROJECT UPDATE:  7-29-2024

Since the last update, M.R. Paving & Excavating has restored the middle block of Alley F and two half-block segments of Dewey Street. They are currently in the process of restoring Alley G and then will be continuing with the restoration on Dewey Street before moving into the other alleys off of Dewey Street.

Holtmeier Construction has completed all sewer work on Dewey Street, Alley E, and Alley D. They are currently working on Alley A and Pine Street. The first crew will continue to work all the way down Pine Street to the intersection with June Street. Depending on utility conflicts, this crew will then head down Alley 3 or Alley 4 – currently Alley 4 appears to be more likely. The second crew will finish Alley A and then move to Alley 1 and Alley 2.

Thank you for your patience as crews work to restore the alleys and streets to a gravel surface. As crews continue into town, please be aware that more street crossings will get temporarily closed while we reconstruct the sewer pipes through the alleys. Once the work is complete, these crossings will get restored to gravel. Also, please continue to coordinate with Holtmeier Construction and their subcontractor, Underground Technologies, for sanitary sewer televising. This televising is free of charge and the City will have records of the service televising on file upon completion of the project.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk

Past Updates

PROJECT UPDATE:  7-17-2024

Over the last week, M.R. Paving & Excavating has begun the process of restoring streets and alleys. The first few areas they have targeted are Alley F, Alley G, and the east end of Dewey Street. They have also been opening intersections behind Holtmeier Construction’s utility crews to maintain access throughout town.

Holtmeier Construction has finished up nearly all the sanitary sewer work on Dewey Street and begun mainline sewer on Pine Street headed south. Depending on the material deliveries and potential conflicts, they will consider completing portions of the Alleys 1-2 or they will complete Pine Street down to Alley 3 and then head west on Alley 3. Once more information is known, another update will be provided. The second Holtmeier Crew will continue with sewer work in Alley D and then tackle Alley A. After those areas, they will follow behind the main crew to complete services on Pine Street and/or Alley 1.

Thank you for your patience as crews work to restore the alleys and streets to a gravel surface. As crews continue into town, please be aware that more street crossings will get temporarily closed while we reconstruct the sewer pipes through the alleys. Once the work is complete, these crossings will get restored to gravel.

When construction nears your area, please keep an eye out for the neighborhood meeting notices. These neighborhood meetings provide the most up-to-date information and will provide a great opportunity to ask any questions you have. Also, please continue to coordinate with Holtmeier Construction and their subcontractor, Underground Technologies, for sanitary sewer televising. This televising is free of charge and the City will have records of the service televising on file upon completion of the project.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk

PROJECT UPDATE:  6-17-2024

Holtmeier Construction is finishing up mainline sanitary sewer on Alley F. The second crew will be following closely behind to finish reconstructing sanitary sewer service pipes to the right of way. This week, weather permitting, Holtmeier will begin heading down Dewey Street working their way to the west, eventually ending at Elm Street. After the second crew finishes services on Alley F, the tentative plan is to complete Alley G prior to rejoining the main crew on Dewey Street and the branches at the Pine Street and the alleys. Additionally, a crew from M.R. Paving & Excavating is planning to begin gravel restoration behind Holtmeier’s utility crews in Alley F and M.R.’s utility crew will continue with service reconstruction in the eastern CIPP areas in the coming weeks.
Please see the updated schedule and phasing map on the website. The following areas were included in our most recent neighborhood meeting and will be the next phase (Phase 3A) of construction.

  1. Dewey Street
  2. Alley E
  3. Alley F
  4. Pine Street (From North Street to Dewey Street)
  5. Alley 1

Note that Alley A is Phase 3B and will be included the next phase of construction.
As construction continues into town, access will become more and more difficult. M.R. will begin removals on Dewey Street soon, which will limit access to adjacent properties. However, intersections crossing Dewey Street will remain open as long as possible to allow traffic to pass through. Once construction is completed through an intersection, the intersection will be restored to gravel until concrete and paving next year.
As a reminder, Holtmeier and their subcontractor, Underground Technologies, are conducting televising work from the house to the main. If contacted by them, please coordinate a time to televise your service. This televising is free of charge and will tell you the material and condition of your sewer service pipe. The city will have the records of the completed services on file upon completion of the project. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk

PROJECT UPDATE:  5-29-2024

Since the last update, Holtmeier Construction and their subcontractors for coatings and electrical work have been working on getting the lift station one step closer to being complete. Work has resumed on Alley F, and the crew is working their way south towards May Street and then Dewey Street. M.R. Paving & Excavating has finished up with the sanitary sewer service reconstruction on the western CIPP areas that included west Main Street, Barr Street, the north block of Elm Street, and the west bock of Dewey Street. Last Thursday, a second crew for Holtmeier Construction arrived to assist the other crew with sewer pipe work.

Looking ahead, the main crew for Holtmeier Construction will continue to work on Alley F. They expect to reach Dewey Street towards the middle to end of June. However, they will be closing Dewey Street between Pine and Maple today so they can begin store material and set up for the next block of Alley F. The second Holtmeier crew will begin construction on the grass easement west of between May Street and Elm Street, just west of the school. After this work is complete, this second crew will move to Alley G and/or Alley F to continue and follow behind the main crew. M.R. Paving and Excavating will return in 3-4 weeks to resume service reconstruction on the East CIPP area by County Road 6.

As a reminder, Holtmeier and their subcontractor, Underground Technologies, are conducting televising work from the house to the main. If contacted by them, please coordinate a time to televise your service. This televising is free of charge and will tell you the material and condition of your sewer service pipe. The city will have the records of the completed services on file upon completion of the project. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk

PROJECT UPDATE:  5-13-2024

As a part of this project, residents who live adjacent to the project areas will get their sewer service televised from their house to the sewer main free of charge. However, the Contractor will need access to your home or business in order to televise your sewer pipe and will be in contact to schedule a time that works with you. Please be on the lookout for a flier or phone call from Holtmeier Construction or their subcontractor, Underground Technologies, asking to set up a time to televise your sewer service. Please coordinate directly with the Contractor.

By coordinating with the televising, you will get your sewer service televised from the house to the sewer main free of charge and will be able to learn the condition and material of your service pipe. The city will receive the reports and footage of all the services that were televised and will be able to provide you with those reports or footage.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk


Since the last update, we have experienced a fair amount of rain that has slowed some of the construction. Holtmeier Construction has been continuing work by the lift station when conditions allow. They installed sewer pipe at the lift station site along with getting started with some sewer pipe installation on Alley G, however they stopped short of the gravel alley for the time being. Once the current work at the lift station is finished and bypass systems are set in place, they will continue construction along Alley F and Alley G, likely in the next week or so.

M.R. Paving and Excavating has been able to continue construction along Main Street due to the paved surfaces and adequate drainage. M.R. is expecting to finish construction on Main Street this week. Next week, expect construction to begin on the CIPP portion of Elm Street and Dewey Street. Work in this area will take approximately a week to complete.

Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk

PROJECT UPDATE:  4-24-2024

Over the last week, Holtmeier Construction finished the majority of their work on the northmost block of Alley F in the private easement area. Currently they are working on the preliminary plumbing for the new lift station and the forcemain. Last Wednesday, April 17th, M.R. Paving and Excavating began saw cutting pavement and concrete ahead of the sewer service replacement on Barr Street and Main Street, among the other CIPP areas. On Thursday, April 18th, the crew began service reconstruction on Barr Street and now they have continued the service reconstruction into Main Street this week.

During the work on Main Street during the day, the street will be closed to through traffic. For residents, there will still be access via TH 68 west of town or to the east. The construction will generally progress east to west on Main Street.

In the next week or so, Holtmeier Construction will return to installing pipe on Alley F and may also look at starting Alley G around that time as well. Construction in the May Street easement west of the school is tentatively scheduled for early to mid May. Work on Dewey Street is tentatively expected to start mid May as well.

M.R. Paving and Excavating will continue to reconstruct sewer services on Main Street. Expect construction to continue on Main Street for the next week or two. Following that, M.R. will move to the 1 block sections on Elm Street and Dewey Street to continue the service reconstruction ahead of the CIPP lining later this year.

Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk


Last week, traffic barricades and cones were dropped of for areas of construction on the north half of Wabasso. Please do not be alarmed, we will not be closing all the streets at once! As construction progresses through town, we will use the barricades to close off a street or intersection as we work through it. As we complete construction, we will restore the road to a gravel patch and reopen the street or intersection.

Since the last update, Holtmeier Construction completed the installation of the new lift station and valve vault structures along with approximately 850’ of new 15” sanitary sewer. Looking ahead, they will continue construction along Alley F for another 200’. They will also begin construction on Alley G. However, in both instances, they will be stopping short of the existing sewer main. Before they connect to the existing sewer main, they need to install the pumps and control systems for the new lift station system and also make the connection to the wastewater treatment plant. This process will begin this week and likely carry into next week.

Also beginning this week, will be the sanitary sewer service replacement on Main Street (west of Front Street), Barr Street, Dewey Street (Elm Street to Front Street), and Elm Street (north of Dewey Street). This work will consist of reconstructing resident’s sewer services from the property line to the sewer main in the middle of the street. We will be holding a neighborhood meeting tonight at 5:30 at the intersection of Main Street and Barr Street with these residents to provide more details.

Towards the end of the month, construction will progress down the remaining two blocks of Alley F. From there, construction will begin on Dewey Street and work its way west to Elm Street. Work on Dewey Street is tentatively expected to begin early May. Any work on alleys adjacent to Dewey Street cannot begin until after construction is completed on Dewey Street east of that alley.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience!


M.R. Paving & Excavating and their subcontractor, Holtmeier Construction, began the sewer work on Monday, April 1st. The first part of the project consists of constructing the structures for the new lift station. This new lift station will replace the old one at the wastewater treatment plant. Once the structures are complete, the new pumps, valves, and other components of the lift station can be installed. During the installation of these components, Holtmeier Construction will continue to construct the new 15” sanitary sewer on the north end of town before slowly working their way to Dewey Street.

In general, the construction will start on the north end of town and gradually work its way south. Dewey Street and Pine Street will be the two streets that experience heavier sewer construction, but otherwise, most of the work will take place in the alleys throughout much of Wabasso.
All sanitary sewer construction is scheduled to be complete on or before October 31st, 2024. All concrete and asphalt pavement restoration is scheduled to be complete between June 1st, 2025 & August 31st, 2025. Access to driveways and other facilities from these alleys will not be possible during the sewer construction. However, following the sewer construction, M.R. Paving & Excavating will be restoring all drivable surfaces to gravel until 2025.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience!

Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk

PROJECT UPDATE:  3-11-2024

On February 27th, the City of Wabasso held the Pre-construction Meeting for the Sanitary Sewer System Improvements project.

The first part of the project involves locating the existing sewer services via televising. This work began the week of March 4th, and will be continuing this week. For services that have obstructions or are unable to be located starting from within the street, the contractor will have to televise sewer services starting from inside the house.

The contractor will contact property owners where this is the case. Please be on the lookout for communication regarding scheduling a time to televise your sewer. Note that this is at no-cost to you.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Matt Miller, PE
Resident Project Representative
Bolton & Menk