City of Wabasso - Sanitary Sewer System Improvements



Estimated Schedule of Construction Phases


Please note that this schedule and the progression of phases is approximate. These time frames will vary due to a multitude of factors, which may include reasons such as weather, material deliveries, soil conditions, and number of crews. This schedule will be updated as more information becomes available.

Phase 1
• Part A: Finishing up construction on Alley F.
• Part B: Crews plan to start and complete Alley G middle-end of June.

Phase 2
• Part A: Sewer service replacement. Western half of town complete. Eastern half of town expected to start mid-June.
• Part B: Sewer main trenchless lining, CIPP. Expected to start in the Fall.

Phase 3
• Part A: Starting tentatively the week of June 17th.
• Part B: Expected to start in July.

Phase 4
• Part A: Expected to start in July.
• Part B: Expected to start in July.
Phase 5: Expected to start in August.
Phase 6: Expected to start in August-September.
Phase 7: Expected to start in October.