Project Status

The project team has selected a design alternative for Wentworth Avenue and is proceeding with construction plans and right of way acquisition based on the selected design in preparation for a 2019 reconstruction of Wentworth Avenue from Delaware Avenue to west of Robert Street.

How was the alternative selection was made?

Three improvement alternatives were developed following the first Property Owner Meeting in August of 2017 and then shared at the first Public Open House in November 2017.

The alternative was selected using a balanced approach considering input from the public and stakeholders, a technical evaluation, and an analysis of what best serves the project needs and the general public.

Alternative selection was based on a combination of:

Summary of public feedback shared with the project team

  • Trail on one side of the road (Alt. C) was the preferred option by the property owners because it generally fits within the existing right-of-way
  • Minimize loss of mature trees and natural features
  • Wentworth Avenue is unsafe for pedestrians
  • Maintain more rural feel of the area
  • High vehicle speeds along Wentworth Avenue


Considerations that resulted from a technical analysis and preliminary design

  • Constructing trail on one side of the road (Alt. C) within the existing right-of-way requires shifting the road. This would result in increased impacts to trees and natural features.
  • Minimize impacts to trees and natural features with retaining walls
  • Seven reported crashes involving bikes/pedestrians in 10 years
  • Location of pedestrian origins and destinations along Wentworth Avenue.
  • All-way stop at Charlton Street provides a safe pedestrian crossing of Wentworth Avenue


Selected Alternative

  • Involves the narrowest roadway section considered (consistent with Alt. C)
  • Minimizes the total amount of property to be acquired (permanent and temporary easements)
  • Minimizes damages to trees and natural features along the corridor
  • Improves safety for all transportation modes (vehicle, bike, pedestrian)
  • Due to pedestrian destinations on both sides of the roadway from Charlton Street to Humboldt Avenue, trails on each side will reduce the need to cross the road to reach suitable pedestrian facilities.
  • Due to no access to the Dodge Nature Center along Wentworth Avenue, trail will only be constructed on the north side from Delaware Avenue to Charlton Street.

Public meetings held so far:

  • Two Property Owner Meetings
    (Aug 2017, Feb 2018, and Aug 2018)
  • One Public Open House (Nov 2017)
  • With individual property owner’s as requested