Dague Avenue is a narrow roadway with deteriorated pavement and no pedestrian facilities. The City of Buffalo is experiencing residential growth in this area. The Dague Avenue project will replace the deteriorated pavement and increase the safety and capacity with the addition of turn lanes, shoulders, a roundabout and pedestrian trails.
The proposed Dague Avenue Improvements Project is located along the northeast extents of the City of Buffalo. The project includes improvements to the streets, storm sewer, and pedestrian facilities. The proposed improvements are along the following streets:
- Dague Avenue – CSAH 35 to 40th Street NE
- 30th Street NE – Dague Avenue to 1 block east of Maple Avenue
Project Update: July 2022
Upcoming Work
The roundabout project at the intersection of County Road 35 and Dague Avenue will be starting on Monday, July 11. Starting on Monday, July 11, County Road 35 will be closed, work on the roundabout will begin, and the detour will go into effect. Dague Avenue will be under construction from 30th to 40th Street. Progress made thus far includes substantial completion of all of 30th Street, and all of Dague Avenue between 30th Street and the north high school entrance, including the trail. The closure and detour for this project will be up until September 5.
Detour Map
Access for entering the high school must be from the north via 30th Street and Dague Avenue. Vehicles exiting the high school may utilize either the County Road 35 exit or Dague Avenue to the north.
Construction began in September 2021. The project is schedule for substantial completion by October 2022.
Project Details
See the Project Flyer for additional project details.
See the detours page for detour maps.