Farmington 2022 Street & Utility Improvements



Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any special assessments for the project? If so, how much are the assessments on my property and how are they determined?

A: No special assessments are planned for the project


2. Will sidewalks be installed throughout the neighborhood?

A: All existing sidewalks are planned to be replaced during the project. The project team is also evaluating the addition of sidewalks along Spruce St between Division St and 2nd St.


3. Will my sewer and water service be replaced as part of the project?

A: The part of the sewer and water service that is located within the public right-of-way at your property will be replaced as part of the project. The right-of-way location varies from property to property, but often is found about 10’ – 15’ outside the roadway edge.

The owner of each private property owns the entire length of their water and sewer service from the main in the street to the house, including the portion within the public right-of-way and under the street. In the event of a sewer or water service break, often the costliest location for a break is located under the street pavement as the cost of replacing the roadway can be substantial. Replacement of this portion of the service with the project therefore avoids those substantial costs from being incurred for some time.

Property owners can also choose to replace the remainder of their service using a private contractor. Replacement of sewer and water service lines will at some point become necessary for each property outside the City’s reconstruction limits. A convenient time to do this is in conjunction with the City project, while the street and parts of yards are already disturbed, but before the City project is complete. The project team can help coordinate timing of this with property owners during construction if notified of a property owner’s intent to have this work completed.


4. Will landscaping and plantings near the street in the right-of-way be disturbed by construction?

A: Plants and landscaping directly on or within five feet of the edge of the street will be impacted by construction. Landscaping located between five and fifteen feet of the roadway edge may be impacted, however it will depend on where they located with respect to planned grading or utility work.

Impacted hardscapes within the right-of-way that are critical to the function of the yard such as retaining walls, paver walkways, and fences will be salvaged and reinstalled as part of the project. Impacted decorative landscaping and plantings within the right-of-way will need to be salvaged and reinstalled by the homeowner if they are to be saved. These items can also be simply removed and disposed of by the project if the homeowner does not wish to salvage them. The project team will avoid impacts to landscaping when feasible but disturbances to landscaping within the right-of-way can often be difficult to avoid, especially if it’s near the street, driveway, or sewer/water service.

Landscaping impacts will be identified and coordinated when the project’s final design is complete (Approximately March 2022). Once landscaping impacts are identified, affected properties will be Contacted. Property owners can then meet with project team members to discuss the extent of the impacts and next steps.


5. When will construction start on my street?

A: Construction will be completed in the summer of 2022. Individual will not be under construction for the entire construction season. Each street will undergo construction for about 12 weeks (5 weeks for utility construction, 4 weeks for street construction, and 3 weeks for yard restoration). Final cleanup and paving on all streets will follow towards the end of each construction season. This phased construction process will also help to keep access for residents to travel in and out of the neighborhood.


6. Will I have access to my property during construction?

1. Access will be restored to each property most evenings and weekends during construction. Working hours are typically 7 AM to 7 PM Monday – Friday and 8 AM to 6 PM Saturday. Work is typically not undertaken on Sundays or Holidays, except under unique situations. At the end of each working day, excavations will be backfilled, and access will be temporarily restored to driveways.

2. During working hours, access may not be available if an excavation is occurring in front of or near your property. Workers will knock on doors or leave notices to ensure residents can get out of their driveways if needed prior to blocking off access.

3. The most significant direct property access restriction that residents will experience is when the concrete is poured in front of driveway accesses. Residents will need to be out of their driveway for about 7 days to let the concrete cure (harden). Notices will be delivered at least 24 hours in advance of this work with more detailed information.

4. A video with additional information about the general construction process can be found here:

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Matt Blazer

Matt Decur
Asst. City Engineer