Cleveland Ave W Street & Utility Improvements Project


Weekly Update – July 26, 2024

Construction Update

Phase 1B Starting Next Week (Cleveland Ave from 6th Street – 4th Street NW, 4th Street SW & 4th Street NW)

The underground work in Phase 1A is almost complete. Starting Monday and Tuesday, Ulland plans to connect the temporary watermain to homes in Phase 1B. The contractor may need access to your home to turn water valves during the temporary water connection process, they will coordinate with each home as needed. Pending grading crew progress for access, pavement removals along Cleveland Ave are expected to start next week, followed by sanitary sewer construction. Ulland plans to provide driveway ramps for temporary access after pavement removals, but access will be restricted at times throughout this Phase while utilities are installed. We will send another update when the pavement removal date is set. We expect it to be after the 5th Street gravel base has been placed.


Grading Crew Work

The grading crew is in town and working on 5th Street SW and 6th Street currently. Hauling out subcut material, installing subdrains, and preparing the roadway for gravel. They plan to work Saturday, hauling out dirt. Once the gravel is placed, the roads will be reopened for residents. The grading crew will continue work along the entire Phase 1A corridor, down to 8th Street, so everyone will eventually have access back. The road will be hard closed during the day while excavation and tiling is occurring on any given street. Timeline will depend on rain and how fast the existing soils can be dried and recompacted, but Ulland is expecting the grading work in Phase 1A to be completed in 2 weeks.

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Contact Us!

Emma Sullivan

On-site Construction Representative – Bolton & Menk, Inc.


Matthew Cole

City Engineer – Bolton & Menk, Inc.
