
Becoming Brooklyn Center


Like all places, Brooklyn Center is on a path of BECOMING as it grows into a resilient community that is thriving, diverse, safe, and inclusive.

The goal of the Becoming Brooklyn Center is to support and progress the City’s vision of a thriving, diverse, safe, and inclusive community. This includes:

  • Strengthening the City’s core identity and image
  • Defining and pursuing a new vision for growth in the city center
  • Ensuring that new development benefits City residents directly
  • Building on existing plans and policies, including the 2040 Comprehensive Plan
  • Strengthening investments the City has made in land and infrastructure
  • Listening to the community and incorporating their preferences, insights, and expertise


The project is a collection of several related activities working toward common goals. Main components will include:

  • New zoning code (a zoning code is a written regulation and law that defines how property in a specific area can be used) and other regulations to replace outdated versions. The new code will be easier to use, align with state law, and better reflect community goals.
  • Site-specific development plans for priority redevelopment sites including the 80-acre Opportunity Site, the former Sears property, and property owned by the City Economic Development Authority (EDA).
  • Master plan for the Opportunity Site in coordination with Alatus, a Minneapolis-based developer, as they design and plan for an initial development phase of the project.
  • Brooklyn Boulevard redevelopment framework to provide guidance for redevelopment of City-owned properties along the corridor, in coordination with the reconstruction of Brooklyn Boulevard.


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Jesse Anderson
Community Development Director
City of Brooklyn Center