
The Opportunity Site: A New Downtown For Brooklyn Center

The Opportunity Site is an approximately 80-acre area the City has identified for redevelopment, as part of the Becoming Brooklyn Center initiative – a collection of related activities that make progress towards the City’s vision of a thriving, diverse, safe, and inclusive community.

The goals of the Opportunity Site are to create a downtown center and signature destination that offers green space, is well maintained, and has appropriate amenities that will drive the city’s future economic growth, serving the entire community that calls Brooklyn Center home

Additional benefits are intended to include:

  • Increased tax base
  • Benefit to community schools
  • New parks and recreation amenities
  • Increased shopping, dining, and entertainment options
  • More housing options
  • Spaces for local businesses
  • Water quality improvements to Shingle Creek

Opportunity Site Guiding Principles

Opportunity Site Master Plan vs Development Proposal

The development of the Opportunity Site is being guided by a Master Plan. This document provides a guiding framework for the type, size, and arrangement of private development, and how development can support community goals.



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