Downtown Highway 41 Project


Landscaping work begins the week of June 3

The downtown area will soon have a fresh look with new plants and landscaping features. Starting next week, crews will begin installing these new plants and decorative bricks around the project area. Both Highway 41 and Highway 61 will remain open for this work. Crews will be working in the center medians and boulevards, so please drive slowly. This work is anticipated to conclude in late June (note: some plant species may need to be planted in the fall). Thank you for your patience as we beautify our downtown with these decorative elements!

Paseo work continues 

Crews continue to work in the new paseos (parking lots on the east side of Highway 41 between 2nd and 3rd streets, 4th and 5th streets, and 5th Street and Highway 61). Over the next several weeks, new curb, drainage, and pavement will be placed. This work is anticipated to conclude by late June or early July. Check out a rendering of what one of the new lots will look like.

New pedestrian tunnel expected to open in July

This April, crews began finalizing the new pedestrian tunnel north of 5th Street. This will include railings, sidewalk, and other decorative elements. The tunnel is tentatively expected to open in July.

2023 construction recap

Crews have been busy reconstructing Highway 41 since construction began this spring. Check out a high-level construction recap for 2023:

  • 15,000 ft. of underground pipe beneath Highway 41 and 61
  • 9,000 tons of pavement
  • 3+ miles of curb
  • 1+ miles of sidewalk
  • New pedestrian tunnel near 5th St.
  • 100,000 decorative bricks
  • 66 light poles
  • 5 signal systems and 1 new pedestrian beacon
  • Signage and banner poles
  • Bollards, benches, and bike racks