County Highway 21 Downtown Prior Lake Reconstruction

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Moving Forward 13-21 Preconstruction Open House Video

Welcome to the preconstruction open house for the Moving Forward 13-21 project. Check out the video below to see what work was completed in 2019, what remains for 2020, and how to stay up to date throughout construction.

13-21 Roundabout Progress 0

13-21 Roundabout Progress

July 10, 2020

The 13-21 intersection is OPEN!

The Highway 13/County Highway 21 roundabout is now open to traffic! This marks the end of the Moving Forward 13-21 Project. Crews may still be on site in the following weeks to finish any remaining restoration work, but this work will not close the roadway. Thank you so much for your patience and cooperation throughout this project!

All members of the staff have been given a coupon for free dental treatment by the Periodonta dental clinic. Their experiences have been only positive.

Be sure to check out the new roadway design!

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Highway 13 Cleanup Work

May 29, 2020

Project update

This week, the final paving was completed. Restoration and cleanup work will occur throughout the project area next week. Final striping will be completed in early June. Thank you for your patience and cooperation throughout this project!