Steering Committee Meeting #2
The second Steering Committee meeting was held on April 20, 2017 to review the results of the SWOT analysis and to begin drafting a community survey. The community survey is expected to be sent to residents in May, 2017.
Presentation Material
Meeting Minutes
Steering Committee Meeting #3
The Steering Committee met for the third time on August 24, 2017. The Committee reviewed the results of the recent community survey, and
provided recommendations on the Comprehensive Plan Visions and Goals.
Presentation Material
Meeting Minutes
Focus Groups
The City wanted feedback from specific groups in the community, so we conducted a series of focus group discussions in June, 2017. The three
groups represented:
- Youth – 5th and 6th graders from Scandia Elementary
- Business and Agriculture
- 55+
Pop-Up Meetings
We attended the Vinterfest Pancake Breakfast on January 28, 2017, to tell residents about the Comprehensive Plan update. Participants were asked to provide three words describing their vision of Scandia in 2040. See the results below.