
Public & Stakeholder Involvement

The City of Red Wing and the Project Team understand that a publicly acceptable plan is essential to the overall success of the Old West Main & Upper Harbor Renewal Project. We are committed to an approach that has identified and involved stakeholders early in the decision-making process. We are here to listen to and understands concerns, and inform and maintain communication with project partners and stakeholders. Property owners and businesses have individual perspectives on how this area should function and feel. Sharing their ideas, vetting their issues, and helping them understand why this project needs to happen are fundamental aspects of the project.

Multiple opportunities for public involvement will be provided throughout the project process.

Old West Main Renewal Advisory Committee

The purpose of this committee is to provide input to the conceptual design process for the future renewal of Old West Main Street and the Upper Harbor. Committee members included local businesses, city representatives, and project team staff.

Advisory Committee Meeting 1 Summary

Advisory Committee Meeting 2 (and Public Involvement) Summary

Advisory Committee Meeting 3 Summary

Advisory Committee Meeting 4 Summary

Upcoming Public Events

The City of Red Wing is hosting a Construction Open House on Wednesday, July 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The Open House will discuss construction timing and staging for the reconstruction of Old West Main Street. For more information about the event, click on the link below:

Past Public Events

Check back for information shared at public events after they occur.

Public Involvement Approach

Project Updates
To sign up for updates, please enter your contact information below.

Project Contacts:

Cory Bienfang, P.E. | Project Manager

Ryan Illa | City Project Manager

Jay Owens, P.E. | City Engineer/ Engineering Director