
Opportunity Site Master Plan and Infrastructure Framework

Draft Master Plan

The latest draft of the Master Plan is now available for public review. The Master Plan provides guidance to promote a vibrant public realm, an accessible and connected multimodal transportation network, and a mix of housing choices for the Opportunity Site.

In the coming months, city leadership will continue to review and improve the Plan ahead of an official city review and consideration expected in summer 2024.

A copy of the Master Plan draft can be found below.


Public Realm Theme

In November 2022, Brooklyn Center City Council provided direction on a public realm theme for the entire Opportunity Site. The selected theme – Confluencia – will provide the basis for the design of the streetscape and public spaces across the Opportunity Site, starting with Phase 1.

Confluencia intends to show the “flowing together” of the City, using nature to represent the coming together of the City’s many cultures. It also intends to celebrate the role that water has in the city, including Shingle Creek, the Mississippi River, and the planned pond feature in the Opportunity Site.

The Confluencia theme presentation can be viewed below.


Adopted Infrastructure Framework

At the July 12, 2021, City Council Meeting, staff and the consultant team presented an Opportunity Site Infrastructure Framework for discussion and adoption. The Framework contains

  • Stormwater
  • Access and Connectivity (Transportation)
  • Parks and Open Space
  • Land Use

The Council adopted the Infrastructure Framework as the proactive, guiding document for infrastructure and land use within the 80-acre Opportunity Site. While the Framework will inform decision making, it was carefully crafted to also be flexible and responsive to opportunities and area needs as they arise. The Council Meeting summary and materials can be viewed here. Click the button below to read the Infrastructure Framework:


Community Engagement

The scale and reach of community engagement on this project has exceeded that of any past effort in the City’s history; however, the intent has always been ensure that the Opportunity Site outcomes truly benefited the residents of Brooklyn Center. This has necessitated a much deeper, more inclusive engagement strategy. From the beginning, the engagement approach was intended to support this vision through an in-depth, inclusive process that connected with diverse groups and views across the city. Principles guiding this approach include:

  • Consistency with city goals and policies, including the new city comprehensive plan.
  • Ensuring the development provided direct access and benefits for city residents.
  • Authentic engagement to connect people with the decision-making process.
  • Meaningful opportunities to influence outcomes for the plan and the site.
  • Transparency in decision making, to build trust and accountability.

While these principles have remained, the approach to engagement has evolved and changed in response to community feedback, the emergence of COVID-19, and racial justice movement across the Twin Cities. The City remains committed to meaningful engagement throughout the Opportunity Site Process.