
General Engineering


Bolton & Menk, Inc. provides engineering services for the City of Jordan, serving as its City Engineer since 1989. Mike Waltman, PE began his engineering career working with the City of Jordan in 2004 and is the designated City Engineer. Mike can be reached at 952-890-0509 or

City Standard Documents

Helpful Links

Scott County GIS Web Application

MPCA NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit Application

MPCA Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit

MDH Public Watermain Installation Permit:

MnDOT Right-of-Way Permitting

Scott County Right-of-Way Permitting

City Engineer’s Association of Minnesota (CEAM) Standard Specifications: 

More about Bolton & Menk:


Q: Can I get a crosswalk installed? Can I get some of those flashing lights installed at an existing crosswalk?
The City of Jordan routinely gets requests for crosswalks at various locations throughout the community. Studies have shown that the installation of crosswalks is not always a safety improvement. In some cases, crosswalk paint along does not actually get vehicles to stop even if pedestrians are present. In those instances, with the pedestrian assuming vehicles will yield to them, the crosswalk paint can actually present decreased safety over the ‘do nothing’ option which would in turn cause pedestrians to be more cautious and vigilant. In some cases, particularly where 15 or more pedestrians per hour are using the crossing, installation of more advanced treatments such as ‘flashing lights’ or rectangular rapid flashing beacons are warranted.

Crosswalk requests are routed to the City’s Safety Committee, which meets on a monthly basis. The Safety Committee evaluates the requests with respect to whether or not the installation would be considered a safety improvement. The City of Jordan has a policy to evaluate crossings at uncontrolled locations (mid-block, no stop signs or traffic signal) per the Minnesota Local Road Research Board’s evaluation manual:

Residents wishing to request crosswalks can contact the City Engineer or any of the City Staff who can bring the request to the City’s safety committee. Written requests are recommended.


Q: Can I mow around the wetland behind my house?

A: City Staff commonly gets asked about specific ponds and wetlands behind residential properties in Jordan. Staff developed a fact sheet to help residents understand where pond and wetland buffers are located, and how they vary by type of waterbody: Pond & Wetland Buffer Fact Sheet


Q: What does it take to get the alley behind my house paved to get rid of all of those potholes?

A: The City Council has worked with several blocks of residents in recent years who were interested in having their gravel alley paved. An ‘Alley Paving Petition Form’ was developed to assist residents in documenting their support and the support of their neighbors for alley paving improvements. The form is available per the link above and can be submitted to City Staff once 50% of the abutting property owners sign. City Staff will then present the petition to City Council for consideration of implementing the alley improvements, typically at a 70% City / 30% Abutting Resident cost split.

Other FAQs?

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Please email the City Engineering Staff who will add FAQs as they are received.

City Engineering Contacts

Luke Wheeler, of Bolton & Menk, functions as the Asst. City Engineer. Luke can be reached at (612) 597-9105 or

Mike Waltman, of Bolton & Menk is the Jordan City Engineer.  He can be reached at (952) 890-0509 x2663 or