The Opportunity Site — A New Downtown For Brooklyn Center
The Opportunity Site is an approximately 80-acre area the City has identified for redevelopment, as part of the Becoming Brooklyn Center initiative – a collection of related activities that make progress towards the City’s vision of a thriving, diverse, safe, and inclusive community.
The goals of the Opportunity Site are to create a downtown center and signature destination that offers green space, is well maintained, and has appropriate amenities that will drive the city’s future economic growth, serving the entire community that calls Brooklyn Center home
Additional benefits are intended to include:
- Increased tax base
- Benefit to community schools
- New parks and recreation amenities
- Increased shopping, dining, and entertainment options
- More housing options
- Spaces for local businesses
- Water quality improvements to Shingle Creek
Adopted Master Plan
The City Council adopted the Opportunity Site Master Plan on October 28, 2024. The Master Plan provides guidance to promote a vibrant public realm, an accessible and connected multimodal transportation network, and a mix of housing choices for the Opportunity Site.
A copy of the Adopted Master Plan can be found below.
Public Realm Theme
In November 2022, Brooklyn Center City Council provided direction on a public realm theme for the entire Opportunity Site. The selected theme – Confluencia – will provide the basis for the design of the streetscape and public spaces across the Opportunity Site, starting with Phase 1.
Confluencia intends to show the “flowing together” of the City, using nature to represent the coming together of the City’s many cultures. It also intends to celebrate the role that water has in the city, including Shingle Creek, the Mississippi River, and the planned pond feature in the Opportunity Site.
The Confluencia theme presentation can be viewed below.
Phase 1 Development Site Updates
Seeking Grants for Infrastructure
Currently, the City has secured a portion of the costs needed to fully construct all public infrastructure for Phase 1 of the Opportunity Site. Phase 1’s public infrastructure will include a new multimodal roadway and a regional stormwater ponding system, both of which are critical to anchor and support both near-term and future development within the Opportunity Site.
The City recently submitted a grant request through the Hennepin County Transit Oriented Communities program to further aid in funding public infrastructure for Phase 1 public infrastructure. Additionally, the City is pursuing State and Federal funding opportunities for Phase 1 public infrastructure within current congressional sessions.
Alatus Development Phase 1 Update
As interest rates nationally remain high, the Alatus-led development team continues to search for financing for the private portions of the Phase 1 Development. Difficulties in securing private funding are being experienced by many developers across the country. However, Alatus and the City remain committed to searching for creative solutions and funding sources to begin construction as soon as possible.
In 2018, the City of Brooklyn Center awarded a Preliminary Development Agreement to Alatus LLC for a portion of City-owned property in the southwest corner of the the Opportunity Site, at the intersection of Bass Lake Rd and Shingle Creek Parkway. In 2019, Alatus’ focus narrowed to a smaller 15-acre area of the Opportunity Site for a multi-site mixed use project. To learn more about the project and proposed programming, click the link below.
Phase 1 Development Approval
In August 2022, City Council approved the land use and site design proposal for the Phase 1 development site. Phase 1 includes 15 acres of mixed-use private development, including hundreds of market-rate and affordable housing units, a small business incubator, and an event center. Accompanying these will be public investments — a new major multimodal public roadway, and a regional stormwater pond system.
This approval doesn’t yet begin new development, however, as the development team and city will need to finalize the legal development agreement and community benefit terms. Those discussions are ongoing and anticipated to be presented to Council in the coming months.
Deeper Dive
Opportunity Site Infosheets
Engagement Summaries
The scale and reach of community engagement on this project has exceeded that of any past effort in the City’s history; however, the intent has always been ensure that the Opportunity Site outcomes truly benefited the residents of Brooklyn Center. This has necessitated a much deeper, more inclusive engagement strategy. From the beginning, the engagement approach was intended to support this vision through an in-depth, inclusive process that connected with diverse groups and views across the city. Principles guiding this approach include:
- Consistency with city goals and policies, including the new city comprehensive plan.
- Ensuring the development provided direct access and benefits for city residents.
- Authentic engagement to connect people with the decision-making process.
- Meaningful opportunities to influence outcomes for the plan and the site.
- Transparency in decision making, to build trust and accountability.